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Naval Reserve Centennial

Queenny Bombase, Sama Salsany

While honouring the Naval Reserve and the HMCS Star, the new garden area will be designed around the theme of time. As all sailors are inextricably linked to the vessels on which they served throughout time and history. This place will be used as a peaceful contemplative spot to commemorate the Royal Canadian Navy's and Canadian Armed Forces' previous accomplishments. The garden was inspired by a compass and a captain's wheel that will permanently bind sailors together. The design will pay tribute to Canada's twenty-four Naval Reserve Divisions.

3d render of 12 white arches with plants on them

24 Panel detailing represents the 24 Naval Divisions across Canada. The Panels include an overhead Trellis Design, Custom made to fit the architecture of developing condos in the area. The Panels are to include engravings of each Division. The trellis design creates areas of quiet reflection, entering the space invokes a serene and respectful quiet atmosphere.