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TDSB Grade One Interior Design Workshop

Fraida Brogna, Nicola Klahre, Ashley Pilkington

This service learning project consisted of two virtual Interior Design workshop classes, introducing grade one students to Interior Design at a basic level. The students were a part of a virtual classroom from five different Toronto District School Board schools, who love art and sharing their work. Students were introduced to the elements and principles of design, and given the task of designing their own houses out of any material they had at home. Students used a variety of materials, including Lego, popsicle sticks, paper, and even computer programs, such as Minecraft. Students presented their ideas and finished work to the class, explaining their use of the principles of design, such as shape and colour. Students received feedback from the instructing team and were shown examples of interior design work from a college level.

Main Project Image

This poster summarizes what was taught in the virtual workshops, project examples, and final grade one student work.

Screenshot of a room designed in Minecraft.  Click to enlarge

Grade One Student Work, Minecraft.

Small room made out of lego.  Click to enlarge

Grade One Student Work, Lego.

Room layout made out of popsicle sticks.  Click to enlarge

Grade One Student Work, Popsicle Sticks.