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Natasha Xavier Campos

From a young age, art and built environments have always been present in my life. Combining the two felt like the perfect choice to pursue an education and career, and interior design was the best fit. Creating spaces and seeing those spaces come to life is a wonderful journey. The progression from my first year work to the work I was able to produce in fourth year is a testament that when you have passion and patience, anything is possible!

Project Overview

"The Creatives" is a collaborative, co-working space for interior designers and graphic designers to come together and build community. In 2020, the covid-19 pandemic forced creatives to work from home which led to video fatigue and lack of collaboration which is key to being great designers. This space is intended to be safe for creatives to continue their collaboration and continue creating great spaces for the future.

3D Views

The concept for this space is the use of thresholds. These thresholds can appear through materials, change in ceiling heights, and the use of arches. These thresholds create separation of safe space without the sensation of feeling enclosed.

3D rendering of the atrium.  Click to enlarge

The atrium.

3D rendering of reception.  Click to enlarge


3D rendering of the basement level collaborative space.  Click to enlarge

Basement Level Collaborative Space.