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Humber interior design graduate Victoria Mucciante

Victoria Mucciante

Victoria has always been drawn by design and the power of a simple approach to transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary experiences. She opted to build a space for children with behavioural and social challenges since, as a student of interior design, she is aware of how challenging it can be to remain committed and work incredibly hard. Her primary goal was to develop an interior space where children could utilize art to express their feelings and emotions.

Project Overview

"The Artful Mind" is a Toronto, Ontario-based art therapy facility for children aged 8 to 12 who have behavioural and social issues. The focus of this art therapy facility is on how children's physical environments affect their cognitive development and emotional wellness. With the support of this facility, children will be more capable to comprehend what art therapy comprises and how it can improve their general mental health. By children learning new techniques and knowledge about what art entails, this can help someone mentally. The materials within this space are mainly neutral, with light colours and comfortable tones to create an inviting environment.

Image depicting the concept development of the project  Click to enlarge

Concept Development

Concept/Design Process

My concept is closely related to a form of rhythm and a combination with the use of nature. A form of rhythm is a movement, created through the visual fluidity of a design. The viewer's eye will take on a visual rhythm when looking at the work through the use of form which is line, shape and colour. Children who engage in nature play, they move in different ways to other types of play. They move in ways that promote their physical wellness. Nature is a great healer; time spent in the natural environment helps to counteract the depletion of mental resources.

Site Plan/Floor Plan(s)

My first objective was to develop a central focus point for the prototype model. There are many places arranged around the central focal point to make the area usable, intriguing and accessible. The second level was planned using the same criteria, but the fundamental distinction is that the majority of the areas are exposed to the ground floor, enabling users above to comprehend and identify the activities taking on below. This facility will be located at 21 Ossington Avenue in Toronto, Ontario.

Schematics of the first floor plan  Click to enlarge

First Floor

Schematics of the second floor plan  Click to enlarge

Second Floor


On both floors, the prototype model occupies the space's centre. These segments aid in illuminating the link between the two floors. Children acquired a better understanding of the art therapy centre through the inclusion of this area. This facility's prototype model, located in the middle, encourages children to learn about and experience the area on both floors.

3D Views

A neutral material selection was used as the inspiration for the interior layout. Warm, inviting surroundings are produced by the light finishes and warm wood tones. The interior areas stimulate experimentation with networking, teamwork, and the use of technology. To help with noise reduction in the open concept floor layout, acoustical ceiling panels have also been taken into consideration for the spaces.

View of the entrance of the Collaboration Space 1  Click to enlarge

Collaboration Space 1

View of the entrance of the Collaboration Space 2  Click to enlarge

Collaboration Space 2

View of the entrance of the Immersive Space  Click to enlarge

Immersive Space

Poster showing 3D renders, floor plans and conceptual sketches of The Project

The Artful Mind Centre and its internal spaces are advertised on this poster. The Artful Mind is a facility for art therapy that uses many forms of art to interact and collaborate with children.


This poster displays a variety of 3D perspectives. The primary goal of this poster is to showcase The Artful Mind while capturing the various components of this design. The various materials are shown in this poster, along with how they were used in the interior spaces.