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Kaylee Pinho

Kaylee Pinho

Hello my name is Kaylee! I'm a recent Interior Design graduate. I believe successful design relies on many factors beyond overall aesthetics; interior design entails proper space planning, functionality, usability, and implementation of interior architectural elements. My passion and dedication for design runs deep and so does my devotion to constantly evolving and learning about both the profession and field.

CAMH Mental Wellness Centre

Throughout the duration of my experience at my internship I became more passionate than ever to continue to aid and assistance the lives of individuals through evidence-based design. Taking a significant problem amongst adolescent in Toronto – anxiety and depression. My thesis will collaborate with CAMH and Humber College to create a mental wellness center. It is crucial to assist these individuals during this stressful time period as these adolescents encompass our future generation. For this reason it is imperative that they are given a place of healing and community which gives them the tools to deal with their mental health.

CAMH Mental Wellness Centre

Rationale and Design Narrative

Inspired by the brain's neurological activity when the mind experiences feelings of depression, my concept is driven forward by the notion of the re-ignition of nodes. The utilization of circular forms as therapy spaces introduces the theme of revitalizing the brain's neurological activity through mental health therapies, without the use of medicinal treatment. The CAMH Mental Health Wellness Centre looks to assist adolescents suffering from anxiety and depression through the use of alternative methods in order to allow full restoration of the brain's capabilities.

Design Connection to Research

More and more we are finding out that adolescents in particular, are suffering from mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Working on healing and overcoming these illnesses begins with the right support, specifically starting with the spaces where treatments take place. It has been shown that there is a lack of built environments for patient treatment that have been created with specific needs in mind of those who will visit. My thesis analyzes the benefits of evidence-based designed clinics and why potential patients may be deterred from seeking help at institutional facilities.

Character of Space

COMMUNITY : Creating a community amongst adolescent sufferers of anxiety and depression through design and the incorporation of the Lake Shore Boulevard community. FLEXIBILITY : The plan of the CAMH Mental Wellness Center will be adaptable for future development as the objective for the plan is to guarantee non-stop adolescent involvement. LIGHTING : Execution of proper lighting all through the space with consideration to the sun study for fenestration design. Considering all the health benefits that come along side a well-done lighting plan will optimize the interior environment for all users. WAY-FINDING : Utilizing appropriate way-finding strategies through design, signage, and space planning to achieve an intuitive environment. ACCESSIBILITY : The facility is to be fully accessible in terms of lighting, materials, way-finding, and all other physical aspects of the space like floor heights and vertical circulation.

Program Consideration

YOGA THERAPY : Yoga therapy helps with the relief from troubling psychological symptoms or health conditions. The instruction therapy focuses on a patients condition and how yoga can help them to feel better or improve their function. MUSIC THERAPY : Music therapy uses music and its many aspects —emotional, mental, social, and spiritual— to help clients improve their health in cognitive, emotional, communicative, and social domains through both active and receptive music experiences.. ART THERAPY : Art therapy helps adolescents explore their emotions, improve self-esteem, relieve stress, and improve symptoms of anxiety and depression. The therapeutic process is about discovering associations between the creative choices made and personal life. LITERARY THERAPY : Bibliotherapy is a creative therapy that involves storytelling or the reading of specific texts with the purpose of healing. It uses an individual's relationship to the content of books and poetry and other written words as therapy. Bibliotherapy is often combined with writing therapy. PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY : Psychotherapy treats depression by talking about the condition and related issues with a professional, also known as talk therapy or psychological therapy. Different types of psychotherapy can be effective for depression, such as cognitive behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy. SLEEP THERAPY : Sleep therapy allows adolescents to take a nap at any point in time when the facility is open. Depression and anxiety may cause sleeping problems or make existing problems worse. Depression and/or anxiety can cause a serious night without sleep, as do a variety of other problems. Our sleep therapy aims to correct these irregularities.