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Geannie Huynh

Geannie Huynh

Geannie is passionate about the experience people form within an environment and the spatial design of interiors. She believes that a designer’s role is to create meaningful design solution and my goal is to fulfil this responsibility by creating environments where inspiration is driven by users’ needs and experience.

STEM Education Centre

In response to the rise of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programs in children’s education, the design of the project is to reimagine education centres that enriched student's creative process through innovative spaces, flexible classrooms, and collaborative work areas. The purpose of the centre is used to support students in learning new skills, sharing ideas and experiment with different types of projects to reach their learning potential. The existing building provides a 2-storey space which will be transformed into a STEM education centre to shape the next generation of students.

STEM Education Centre

Rationale and Design Narrative

The concept of the space is inspired by the STEM process also known as the ‘Design Thinking Cycle’ where creation is central in the process and also at the centre. The idea of creation is an important aspect of the learning process because creativity brings students’ imagination into reality. These learning spaces offer an open work area, collaborative spaces, and classrooms to encourage students to learn from one another while exploring new ideas. In the project, the design centralizes around the Prototype Studio — a space of creation where students are able to shape their ideas and collaborate on projects together. Classrooms and learning spaces on the second level surround the Prototyping Studio so that students are able to generate ideas through the vertical 2-storey connection in the atrium. While the bridge connects the upper level together and gives students the opportunity to observe and share from above and below.

Design Connection to Research

The key ideas that are incorporated within the spaces are adaptability, collaboration and innovation. Classrooms within the facility are both flexible and adaptable to accommodate different types of learning and activities within the STEM program. Many of the STEM activities at the centre are supported through the integration of technology and equipment that are specialized for the STEM curriculum. Throughout the spaces are collaborative work areas where students can work together outside of the classroom. This provides students with a learning space that gives students the opportunity to explore new ideas and inspire students’ imaginations.

Character of Space

STEM education is both precise and creative learning experience which can be represented through linear and free-flowing forms that are explored within the space. The designs use linear forms, the movement of repetitions and fun colours to give a sense of excitement and playfulness but also serve as a form of wayfinding. Colours that are used within the facility denote different learning spaces for the students to recognize. The goal of the design is to provide a space that inspires student’s creativity while providing a fun learning space.

Program Consideration

The first level will focus on specializes STEM activities. The main level allows the students to display different types of curriculum that are provided by the program but also allows the school to host tours and events when welcoming new students and parents. The second level will focus on key ideas to reinforce students learning experience. The organization of the classrooms is based on the concept of creation where learning spaces surrounds the prototyping studio to connect learning with experimenting. Breakout spaces promote creativity and it provides students with the ability to learn and collaborate in a different learning setting. The skylight provides the space with natural daylight in the atrium and it is distributed throughout the main learning space to connect students to the outside.