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Humber industrial design graduates Sam Khan

Sam Khan

Hi there, my name is Sam and I am an international student from Hong Kong. From staying up late nights at school to meeting some of the most important people of my life, my four years of studying in the Bachelor's of Industrial Design program at Humber College has been an odyssey. Throughout my time in this program, I have learned and developed a wide variety of skills such as: sketching, modelmaking, computer-aided design (CAD), graphic design, photography, film-making and much more. Thank you for taking the time to look through my thesis project ; I hope you enjoy my work!

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The Four Essential Pillars for Design Excellence

The four essential pillars encompass human-centric design approach and the understanding of full-bodied, three dimensional physical interaction of user, product and environment. The projects generate innovative solutions using research-driven, evidence-based designs which focus on the user experience.

Enhancement of Human Lifestyle

ACE is a family of smart wearable and physical products that aim to elevate the traditional approach to modern volleyball training.

Volleyball at a competitive level requires mastery of the fundamental skills that players must have in order for them to succeed at the sport. ACE serves as a tool for both players and the training faculty to ensure that they are training safely and efficiently.

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Human-Interaction & User-Centric Design

ACE’s Smart Active Wear revolves around how volleyball players move around the court.

The forearm area of the Smart Sleeve is carefully designed for digging/bumping related movements. Flexible and durable padding on the ribs, elbows and knees offer protection in vulnerable areas when diving for the ball. The Smart Gloves and Smart Insoles communicate with the Smart Ball and Smart Court respectively to collect data on the player’s overall performance.

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Ergonomics & Human Factors Design

Volleyball is a sport that involves careful coordination of both upper and lower body regions simultaneously.

ACE's Smart Active Wear is carefully designed to be tight fitting to the user's body, enabling them to have full range of motion while benefitting from the recording of accurate data through their movements on the court. The Smart Insoles track the user’s lower half of the body in relation to the Smart Court.

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Sustainability & Social Responsibility

ACE's product line is made out of durable material that aims for longevity.

The Smart Active Wear is made out of multiple layers of material that can easily be maintained and replaced, including the Center Module, which can detach seamlessly from the Smart Active Wear when needed.

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ACE - Enhanced Volleyball Training Experience

Project Summary

Volleyball is a sport that has seen an increase in demand over recent years, placing itself among the top five most popular sports in the world and collecting over 900 million fans worldwide in 2021. It is a team sport that not only requires synergy between teammates, but also the simultaneous use of both upper and lower body motor functions in order to be successful. The problem definition addresses the enhancement of the younger athlete’s experience in performance and training efficiency. Paving a general direction to address the need for advancement in areas such as training/protective gear, recovery tools and technologies, injury reduction, performance analysis, learning retention and more.

Thesis Summary Motion Presentation

ACE a smarter training solution for volleyball

An introduction video for ACE explaining the overall concept, features and benefits, as well as an in-depth view at how ACE adheres to "The Four Essential Pillars of Design Excellence."

Thesis Development Process

Poster showing the full design and development process of ACE

Click the image to enlarge.


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