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Humber Industrial Design graduate Anotny Biju

Antony Biju

My name is Antony Biju, I am an Industrial designer living in Toronto Ontario. I have always had a passion for arts and engineering and thought of ways to combine aesthetics with functionality, this pushed me to try industrial designing to see how I can apply it professionally. The four years in this program have helped me understand the design process on a different level. I am excited to continue my journey in creating designs that combine technology, aesthetics and sustainability.

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The Four Essential Pillars for Design Excellence

The four essential pillars encompass human-centric design approach and the understanding of full-bodied, three dimensional physical interaction of user, product and environment. The projects generate innovative solutions using research-driven, evidence-based designs which focus on the user experience.

Enhancement of Human Lifestyle

Currently, there is a high rate of Infant mortality due to the limited availability of needed neonatal care.

Neo-Care provides is a better living condition by making it safe for newborns and increasing their chance of survival. The products satisfy the basic needs of the child while also helping the mother and healthcare professionals do their tasks easily.

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Human-Interaction & User-Centric Design

Based on research and interview insights, the warmer was designed to be portable, it was also equipped with a passive heating mechanism to provide heat even in the absence of electricity.

The docking station was designed keeping the healthcare workers in mind helping them access the infant more easily. The carrier was designed to assist mothers to carry their infants and make breastfeeding easy.

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Ergonomics & Human Factors Design

The infant pod was designed keeping in mind the need for adjustability as the infant grows, the velcro straps provide infinite adjustability.

The docking station was also designed to provide the needed support to accommodate the infant with the pod. The carrier was designed to provide the needed support while being comfortable to use. The wide straps help distribute pressure on the shoulder and cushioning on the back protects both the infant and the mother.

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Sustainability & Social Responsibility

All the products were designed with reusability in mind, it ensures that the cost of neonatal care is low which is very important for the target demographic.

The infant pod and the carrier use recyclable fabrics like bamboo rayon and fleece, for manufacturing. The Docking station also uses recyclable plastics for its production, making the design sustainable and cost-effective in the long run.

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NEO-CARE - Portable Infant Incubation

Project Summary

According to World Health Organization, 5.2 million children under the age of 5 died in 2019 alone, and 80% of these deaths occurred in two regions of Sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. Specifically, India has one of the highest figures on the list accounting for a third of all deaths. The high IMR rates can be attributed to the lack of facilities to handle premature births. Neo-Care is a low cost, portable incubation facility that makes neonatal care more accessible. It will assist India and possibly other countries struggling with similar issues, thus initiating a safe and healthy environment for future generations.

Thesis Summary Motion Presentation

Neo-Care Portable Infant Incubation

Neo-Care is a portable incubation facility to help reduce Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in India.

Thesis Development Process

Poster showing the full design and development process of Neo - Care

Click the image to enlarge.

3D Design Development & Modeling

Physical Model Video

Physical model of the infant pod on the docking station

The final scale model of Neo-Care portable infant incubation system. Made from both 3D printed components and hand-stitched from fabric pieces. The model displays the major features and components of Neo-Care Products.


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NEO-CARE - Portable Infant Incubation

Antony Biju

NEO-CARE - Portable Infant Incubation

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