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Pri-A Project


Andrea Calienes, Priscila Vargas


Project Management


“Pri-A Project” Capstone Research Project is intended to help us, the student team, to assess, audit, and compare an existing project with the best practices learned throughout the course of the PMPG program, using the PMBOK as a reference and guide. The realization of this project is aligned with Humber’s Project Management Program, as it will help us understand how the processes, tools, and techniques learned in the program are applied to a real-life project. By assessing and auditing a complete project, we will develop the necessary skill-set required to successfully pursue a career/work in project management.

Capstone Group 15 Video

Pri-A Project video

Video of Pri-A project explaining the outcomes of the audit performed into a real-life project comparing the use of tools and techniques from the PMBOK.

Pri-A Project Poster

Pri-A Project Poster