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Dominik Kabala, Sameer Khan, Shawn Totaram, Veera Gudla, Philpert Fontenelle


Computer Engineering


For this project, an app was created using Android Studio & Xcode (iOS) called Personify for the purpose of laying the foundation for an idea where machine learning can help someone advance their sense of style. The goal of this app was to create an android app, database, and backend to allow the user to post an outfit whether when wearing it for style board and let others rate it "yes" or "no". The goal for this is an app where a user can post their outfit, get it processed by the server, and then display it for other users to rate. In conclusion, we set a straightforward goal with a clear idea and mapped our resources to achieve our goal. The next step would be using machine vision to see what is in the photo, reject if necessary, and cross-reference collection of acquired data from users rating the outfits.

Personify Final Video

Personify Video

Watch the video to learn more about the project and see a demonstration of the product.

Personify Poster

Personify Poster