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Penetration Testing of Metasploit Exploits Using Kali Linux


Ravilochan Raghunath, Seyedeh Rana Majdzadeh Kouhbanani, Rishitha Reddy Bandi


Network Support


In this project, we have explored few vulnerabilities present on Metasploit Linux and perform penetration testing on these vulnerabilities using Kali Linux. Kali Linux has a built in Metasploit framework which consists different exploit codes that will be used for penetration testing. The vulnerabilities that will be tested relates to backdoor exploits, brute force attack, DOS attack, Reverse tcp exploit. Penetration testing will be performed on Metasploit Linux and Windows XP as target machines using Kali Linux with Metasploit framework as attacker machine. During the penetration testing we will explore the data present on target machine and also try to create new directory inside it. Results obtained after testing will contain details about the open ports of Metasploit Linux, attack possibilities on Metasploit Linux and Windows XP. We will also briefly explain about the prevention techniques to avoid backdoor attacks, brute force attack, DOS attack, reverse tcp shell.

Project Presentation of Penetration Testing of Metasploit Exploits Using Kali Linux Video

Penetration Testing of Metasploit Exploits Using Kali Linux Video

Watch the video to learn more about the project.

Penetration Testing of Metasploit Exploits Using Kali Linux Poster

Penetration Testingof Metasploit Exploits Using Kali Linux