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JSN Home Security


Jacob Arsenault, Satyam Dalvadi, Nicholas Phillip


Computer Engineering


Our project aims to provide a cost-effective mobile home monitoring solution. The Raspberry Pi based project is able to provide a live feed through its integrated camera, as well as provide temperature, pressure, humidity as well as gas detection readings. While this data is being captured, the device simultaneously uploads the live feed/readings to a users’ account stored via Firebase. This allows for users to be able to monitor their homes from the workplace or anywhere else where an internet connection is available.

JSN Home Security Demonstration Video

JSN Home Security Video

This is the final capstone project for Humber College's Computer Engineering Technology program. Together in our group of 3, we created a home security system that is able to record video as well as provide the user with valuable information about their home such as temperature, pressure, humidity and gas resistance.

JSN Home Security Poster

JSN Home Security Poster