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Covid Security System


Anthony-Paul Fontana, Brendon Rongcales, Michael Tonon, Tyler Ruffolo


Computer Engineering


The “Covid Security System” (CSS) is a piece of hardware that was specifically designed to help businesses maintain the safety of their employees as well as customers. The “Covid Security System” was designed to help take the load off and get businesses back up and running as if nothing has changed. The system utilizes a specific set of hand-picked sensors that work in sync with each other and has a mobile app that keeps track of all the employees' temperatures.

Covid Security System Video

Covid Security System video

Real-time face mask detection alert system using TensorFlow, OpenCV, Haar Cascades, etc. Detection is determined through a pre-trained AI model, and uses SMTP to send email alerts containing images of the person’s face if they are not wearing a mask.

Covid Security System Poster

Covid Security System Poster