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Clean Community


Kevin Delgado, Hoang Hai Dinh, Manpreet Parmar, Ravindra Ramdhanie


Computer Engineering


Team Cleanup has designed to join communities in order to clean up areas with high levels of trash, serving as a “non-profit organization”-like app. The application would display places like parks, forest and lakes with need of cleaning and group people around the community willing to volunteer in order to clean up those places. These areas displayed on a map would have a rating depending on their littering levels, as well as other necessary information. However, in order to protect our users is important for us to gather information about the area that cannot be seen with the naked eye, for this reason we designed a piece of hardware able to measure temperature, humidity and air quality, collecting measurements of CO2 levels and Volatile Organic Compounds which are necessary measures to avoid exposing workers to high levels of pollution.

Clean Community Video

Clean Community Video

Video submission of Team Cleanup's Capstone Project for Humber College's CENG 355 class.

Clean Community Poster

Clean Community Poster