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Capstone Research Project


Volodymyr Trykoz, Victor Bouroncle


Project Management


Capstone is a research project that consists in finding the project manager of a project in the Canadian industry. The project must follow the traditional approach of project management. After that, the challenge is to convince that project manager to be your sponsor. We, as the students, will act as the project managers who will conduct an audit. The purpose of the research is to compare the practices of your sponsor with the guidelines of the PMBOK. The project will close with qualitative and quantitative analysis and some recommendations for your sponsor.

Capstone Research Project- PMPG-Humber College Video

Capstone Research Project video

Our sponsor is a senior manager of the loyalty and rewards program of the RBC Royal Bank of Canada. She is in charge of a project that is merging several different websites, applications and external e-commerce platforms into a unique e-commerce platform owned by RBC. This new platform will allow customers to redeem their points for merchandise, discounts in restaurants and flights in a more organized, secure and intuitive way.

Capstone Research Project Poster

Capstone Research Project Poster