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AutomaHome: Home Automation System


Calvin Abel, Rohan Mir, Y Thien Nguyen, Jay Patel


Computer Engineering


AutomaHome is a home automation system which includes an android app and 3 different IoT devices. The android app uses Firebase Realtime Database to store and access all the user and device data and Firebase Authentication is used to filter data to what the user has access to. The app allows users to create homes and connect devices to them, as well as control and see the sensor data from the connected devices. The 3 different IoT devices that were developed for this project and can be connected to the app are the Bi-Direction Movement Sensor which is installed in a doorway and detects what direction someone walks through it in, the LED Strip Controller which controls the colour of a connected LED Strip, and the Thermostat which connects to the home HVAC system for control and detects the temperature and humidity at the point of installation.

AutomaHome Demonstration Video

AutomaHome video

This video describes how each device works and shows them in action.

AutomaHome Poster

AutomaHome Poster