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Auditing Sponsor's Project


Mayank Chopra, Navneet Kaur


Project Management


The main objective of the project is to conduct an audit of the project which was already completed by our Project Sponsor for one of the largest national law firms in Canada. The main focus of conducting this audit of the project is to get familiarize with the real-life projects as we know that the actual jargons are a lot different in the real world as compared to the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge). It helps to get knowledge, how things work in real industry life as Project Managers. It is a platform to grow professional networking, learn those keywords, comparing the PMBOK methodology with the given project, and use those methods in future projects.

Capstone Exhibition Group 13 Video

Auditioning Sponsor Video

Watch the video to learn more about the project objectives, main focus and benefits.

Auditioning Sponsor's Poster

Auditioning Sponsor Poster