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Smart Home

Luca Rojas, Andrew Liauba

IoT, Wireless


A home is a place for families, and loved ones, resulting in it being the number one place we want to feel safe from harm and unwanted hazards. We shouldn’t have to worry about dangerous things from the outside world coming in to a place with our family and loved ones, which led our group to design and produce The Smart Home Monitoring System.

It is a system that covers three vital components of safety in a home: Motion, Gas, and Temperature. We have first included a Hc-sr501 motion sensor that can detect movement from 22 feet away. When the detector is activated, it will snap pictures of anyone or anything that travels by it. This is great for guarding front doors, and any entrances you have in your home. Next is the MQ-2 Gas sensor. It can detect LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), Butane, Alcohol, Propane, Hydrogen, CO and even methane. With this, the family will be protected from any unseen, odorless gasses that can bring serious and life-threatening damages to an individual. Lastly, we have the Sht32-d Temperature and Humidity sensor. This is useful for safety and convenience. If the temperature is too high or low inside a user’s home, it can be alarming, and mean that a dangerous threat like a fire is causing this. The sensor will allow us to catch this threat early on, and maintain control of the situation.

With the Smart Home Monitoring System, you aren’t just safe from intruders, but also unseen threats and the threats of mother nature.

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