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Recommendation model using collaborative filtering

Alisha Sharma, Sundeep Kaur, Treesa Chacko, Raminderjit Kaur, Komalpreet Kaur

Machine learning - concept of content based filtering approach, python programming language, jupyter lab notebook - installed on local machine

This is seekers group students of ITS and ESDV Humber north campus presenting Final Semester course Capstone project which is a Job o Recommendation engine. Our project sponsors are Aditya Subramaniam, Yasmin Bakhtiari, Nahal Kazemian from company Job-O and our mentor for project is professor Orren Jonhson from faculty of humber college and seekers group team members are: Alisha, Sundeep, Komalpreet, Treesa and Raminderjit students of humber college. This project intends to create recommendation engine that can Recommend best jobs to employees based on job’s skill rating, distance of potential employee from work location and either way around as well that is to recommend best employees to a company on the basis of employee’s skills, ratings, previous experience using machine learning concepts.

Recommendation model using collaborative filtering Poster