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Nest-259 Tech Project

Lemuel John Galve, Emmanuel Ederibhalo

Cloud, Security

In this project we will implement a smart doorbell with raspberry pi running on Raspbian os, python programming, bash script and a gmail account for notification and storage option as well as telegram to improve security. A security feature in which brings convenience in monitoring security to home and business establishment. The camera feature sends a snapshot of whoever is in the front door. Raspberry Pi 2, Adafruit kit components, python programming, scripting, breadboard push button, 10k resistor and USB Camera will be used to implement this project. We have a push button, as our door bell which when pressed, triggers the USB camera to take a photo, then and send it directly to the user’s email account and a telegram group chat and the user will receive notification immediately. The photos can be stored on google cloud, and a telegram group chat to add any member of the house hold and or business to also receive images.

Nest-259 Tech Project