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Humber interior decorating graduate Sabrina Pascoa

Sabrina Pascoa

As a designer, I have a strong understanding of how interiors come together, from the architecture of a space to the furniture and soft fixtures that fill it. Each element is essential to creating one cohesive look that is both unique and innovative. Having completed a Diploma Program from Humber College, I am formally educated and trained in an industry that I truly love. As an interior designer, I have the flexibility to work with an ever-changing industry but also keep the creative freedom to create truly beautiful spaces that will tell each client's individual stories.


My partner and I designed a modern urban style loft that was located in the 6th largest city in Canada, Mississauga. Our clients were a couple that was expecting their first baby, they loved to travel together, take walks and hikes and they both had interesting hobbies that we needed to incorporate into our design. We took the natural, luxurious, and vintage elements and added them to our design.

3D render of a living room area with stairs leading to a loft area  Click to enlarge

Final 3D design

3D render of the first floor and furnishings from a bird's eye view  Click to enlarge

Lower level final floor plan

3D render of the second floor and furnishings from a bird's eyes view  Click to enlarge

Upper level final floor plan

2D diagram of the building plan  Click to enlarge

Construction Plan

2D diagram of the electrical features  Click to enlarge

Electrical Plan

2D diagram showing large furniture placement  Click to enlarge

Furniture Plan

Carlton House - Site Plans

I was given an actual home in Manhattan and was asked to come up with construction, electrical, finishes, and furniture plans along with kitchen elevation plans for this new build in AutoCAD. This was one of my favorites!!

Garage Design

This one was so fun!!! In this assignment, we were given an empty shell of a pre-made garage. I was giving a word and I was to design a getaway that people could enjoy during the pandemic. I was given the word STRENGTH and I designed a getaway for the strong women in our lives that take on the weight of the world every day not only for themselves but also for their families. Moms don't ask for a lot but what they do ask for is time with the girls, my friends call it "book club" and that's exactly what this garage was made into.

3D render showing a couch and TV area  Click to enlarge

Reading area

3D render of a small living area with furnishings and a small bar counter  Click to enlarge

View looking in

3D render of the complete garage living section  Click to enlarge

Full garage view

3D rendered floor plan of the suite and furnishings from a bird's eye view  Click to enlarge

Final floor plan

3D render of elevation showing the height of the suite and the doors  Click to enlarge

Rendered elevation

3D rendered floor plan highlighting the placement of various furniture and materials  Click to enlarge

Furniture floor plan

Barrett Centre Suite Design

The Barrett Centre is a campus residence at Humber that took a big hit from the pandemic when everything went online. My partner and I decided to design a room that students, professors, and guests on campus can use for both sleeping and working. We built on our harmonious connection of organic lines, and playful colors that give both a dynamic and inviting outlook to our floor plan.

House Reno & Addition Design

My final assignment of semester 4. In this assignment, I was given a family that was moving to Stratford PEI. Although the couple is soon to be empty-nesters the family is growing their son is getting married, their middle child is married and is expecting their first child, and the baby of the 3 kids still goes to college and lives at home. The couple recently had a health scare, the husband suffered a stroke so they decided to live a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. What I designed for this family was a home that was large enough to hold Sunday family diners and give the couple a relaxing private retreat for just the two of them to be together. I gave them a dynamic, supportive, and intertwining family home with lots of texture, balanced lines, and a unified sense of togetherness that brings it all together.

3D render of a living room with a white sectional and a fireplace  Click to enlarge

Addition for the couple

2D colour coded floor plan  Click to enlarge

Bubble diagram designs

3D render of a grey scheme dining room with a geometric accent pendant over the table  Click to enlarge

Dining room


3D rendered closeup of chairs at a kitchen counter

Vanessa Stock

Kitchen & Bath

3D rendered family room with high ceilings and wooden accents

Michele Dillon

Kitchen & Bath, Unique Spaces, Living Spaces, Details

Jayda Schober-Bustillo

Jayda Schober-Bustillo

Kitchen & Bath, Unique Spaces, Details

3D rendered living area with blue walls

Mandy MacIsaac

Living Spaces

Sabrina Pascoa logo

Sabrina Pascoa

Unique Spaces, Details

3D rendered art studio with large plants

Rabiah Khandwala

Kitchen & Bath, Unique Spaces, Living Spaces

3D rendered kitchen and dining layout with arched doorways

Jessica López Orozco

Kitchen & Bath, Unique Spaces, Living Spaces

3D rendered spacious kitchen with green cabinets

Yuna Kim

Kitchen & Bath

3D rendered sitting room with minimal furniture and green accent wall

Gabrielle Daoud

Unique Spaces, Living Spaces, Details

3D rendered loft interior with a floating staircase

Maria Angelica Rivera

Living Spaces

3D rendered floor plan of a living space showing furniture and details

Parita Champaneri


3D rendered sunny sitting area with curved orange couch

Kathleen Neal Rumney

Kitchen & Bath, Unique Spaces, Living Spaces, Details

3D render of a small living room with a green couch

Sofia Ribeiro Malgueiro

Living Spaces

Hannah Tringale logo

Hannah Alia Singh

Unique Spaces, Living Spaces