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Horticulture and Landscape Students Conduct Restoration at Claireville Conservation Area

This summer, our Horticulture and Landscape students and faculty conducted restoration at Claireville Conservation Area’s Indian Line site for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Restoration Services (TRCA).

This included planting 200 native shrubs; installing mulch mats around each piece; tagging plants with a unique ID number as part of TRCA’s Young Tree and Shrub Monitoring and Maintenance Program; and ultimately enhancing a 191 square metre area.

Staff spoke very highly of the students’ efforts and their insightful questions on restoration techniques in urban settings.

The TRCA extends sincere gratitude to all students and faculty for participating in these efforts to enhance natural spaces in fragmented urban areas, maintaining diverse ecosystems, providing wildlife habitat, and expanding vegetation canopy for carbon sequestration.