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First Robotics Returned to Humber

Once again, gears were turning and circuits were buzzing as Humber College hosted a FIRST Robotics District Competition in partnership with FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Canada.

This year’s theme celebrated the roles played by STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) skills in the realms of arts and design. Teams participating in the competition used props as musical notes during the matches, adding an artistic dimension to the challenge.

More than 30 teams from diverse backgrounds gathered at Humber to showcase their skills, combining the principles of sport, science, and teamwork. From there, the journey continues for the chance to represent their region at the prestigious FIRST World Championship Event in Houston, Texas.

A special shout out to Lynn VanLieshout, Manager, Community Projects Community Outreach and Workforce Development and her team who organizes this annual event!