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Capstone Projects

Project-based learning is an integral part of learning, equipping students with practical troubleshooting and problem solving skills. Capstone projects in the final semester of study bring students and faculty together, to solve a real-world technical problem or innovation challenge.

To collaborate with Humber’s Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology, please contact:

Shaun Ghafari, Associate Dean,
Advanced Manufacturing
416.675.6622 ext. 4217

Jonathan Kim, Associate Dean,
Information & Communications Technology
416.675.6622 ext. 5985

Martine Spinks, Associate Dean,
Design & The Built Environment
416.675.6622 ext. 4662

Applied Research & Innovation

Humber Applied Research & Innovation helps faculty and student research teams collaborate with industry and community partners in order to help solve specific problems.

For additional information and funding opportunities, please contact:

Dr. Ginger Grant, Associate Dean,
Applied Research & Innovation
416.675.6622 ext. 5528

Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation

From developing prototypes and problem-solving solutions to booking collaborative spaces and engaging in state-of-the-art training, the Barrett CTI serves a purpose for everyone involved. Learn more about the exciting work being done by students, faculty and industry sponsors: